Whiplash Treatment Guide: Recovery and Rehabilitation

Whiplash Treatment Ooltewah, TN

Whiplash treatment can involve a range of treatments, from home care to therapies from a medical professional. The treatment needed depends on the individual, the severity of the injury, and the issues it is causing in one's life. If you have recently suffered a whiplash injury, here is what you can expect from the recovery process and medical interventions that can help.

What is whiplash?

The medical term for whiplash is cervical acceleration-deceleration (CAD) syndrome. It is a neck injury that occurs when the head and neck are suddenly thrown backward and then forward in a whip-like motion that puts extreme stress on the cervical spine. This fast, intense jerking motion can stretch and tear the neck muscles and tendons. CAD syndrome is most commonly associated with rear-end automobile collisions but can also result from assaults, falls, amusement park rides, certain athletics, and other high-intensity, high-impact activities.

Symptoms of whiplash

Symptoms of whiplash depend on several factors, including the health of the individual and the severity of the injury. Symptoms usually develop within days of the injury and may include:

  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Loss of range of motion in the neck
  • Pain in shoulder, upper back, and arms
  • Numbness in the arms
  • Pain that worsens with neck movement

Severity can range from causing no symptoms to severe pain and serious neurological effects.

How long does whiplash recovery take?

The recovery timeline for whiplash varies by patient. Many cases resolve within a few weeks, and the typical case resolves in about three months. However, others have symptoms that can linger for many months and years. Patients who experience moderate to severe whiplash may need medical whiplash treatment, as home care is often not enough to improve their condition. Those who are older or have a preexisting injury are more likely to have severe cases and take longer to recover.

Whiplash treatments for recovery and rehabilitation

Even if whiplash appears minor, it is still a good idea to consult a medical professional to evaluate the injury. Sometimes, whiplash can be more serious than it first seems. In addition, medical evaluation and guidance can help ensure a patient gets the correct treatment. Whiplash recovery may involve some combination of the following.

Initial at-home whiplash treatment

Home treatment can be sufficient for mild to moderate cases of whiplash. Rest is the priority, as limiting any movement increases neck pain. In the first couple of days following a whiplash injury, an ice pack applied to the affected area several times a day for about 15 minutes can help prevent swelling from worsening. After about 48 hours, heat therapy, such as a heating pad or warm towel, may be applied to help reduce muscle tension and increase blood flow.

A provider may recommend wearing a cervical collar or brace during this initial healing phase. However, this collar should be used sparingly, as too much use can contribute to muscle stiffness and weakness. Over-the-counter pain relievers are often enough to help manage pain after experiencing whiplash. However, a provider may prescribe something stronger in specific cases.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy sessions are helpful for whiplash that does not resolve with home care. A practitioner can provide guided exercises and stretches to help strengthen muscles and improve range of motion. Physical therapy can often be combined with manual therapy, such as mobilization and massage, to help reduce the patient's pain and improve their mobility. Patients should continue their exercises at home in between sessions.

Chiropractic care

A chiropractor can perform spinal mobilization and manipulation techniques to help alleviate pain, improve alignment, restore mobility, and support healing and recovery. Common chiropractic whiplash treatments can include:

  • Trigger point therapy. Involves the practitioner placing direct pressure on specific points in the affected area to relieve muscle tension
  • Spinal manipulation. A chiropractor uses their hands or an instrument to apply sudden and controlled force to specific vertebrae
  • Spinal mobiliation. A gentler chiropractic technique involving slow and gentle controlled movements
  • Ergonomic and posture advice. Guidance on proper posture and ergonomics to support recovery

Because chiropractors work holistically, they may also provide lifestyle and nutritional guidance to support recovery.

Regenerative medicine

These techniques focus on repairing and regenerating damaged tissues and are often integrated into sports injury and whiplash treatments. Treatments may include platelet-rich plasma injections (PRP), a treatment made from the patient's blood to promote healing. Prolotherapy, another innovative regenerative medicine therapy, involves the injection of a natural irritant into an injured tissue to activate the healing response. Finally, a patient's stem cells can be harvested and injected into injured tissue to promote healing.

Overseeing whiplash recovery and rehabilitation

Spine & Joint Regenerative Medicine helps individuals of all ages and health situations recover from whiplash and other injuries that cause pain and limit mobility. Our team conducts a thorough evaluation to understand your injury and help you get the right treatment. Call our office to learn more about the whiplash treatment options we offer.

Request an appointment here: https://sjrm-tn.com or call Spine & Joint Regenerative Medicine at (423) 424-1529 for an appointment in our Ooltewah office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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