Sports Medicine

Sports MedicineOoltewah, TN

Sports medicine can help you recover from injury and pain. It can be difficult to deal with having your active lifestyle taken away from you. Sports medicine can target a wide range of physical ailments.

Sports medicine is available at Spine & Joint Regenerative Medicine in Ooltewah and the surrounding area. Getting back to your active lifestyle is possible. Call us today at 423-424-1529 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

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Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells are cells that can divide and duplicate themselves before developing into different types of cells. Instead of serving a specific bodily function, stem cells can develop into specialized cells. It is widely believed that, when placed under the right conditions, stem cells can transform to meet specific needs. For instance, stem cells placed near a damaged ligament should develop into healthy ligament cells.

As such, stem cell therapy is a popular form of sports medicine today. It can treat damage to cartilage, ligaments, muscles, and tendons, whether the injuries are due to a singular trauma or chronic overuse. Stem cells can be applied via injection, sometimes with the help of ultrasound or other medical imaging tests to ensure the cells are delivered to the exact site of damaged tissue.


Also known as regenerative injection therapy or proliferation therapy, prolotherapy is a thousands-year-old procedure in which a healthcare professional injects a natural irritant into the soft tissue of an injured joint. This triggers the body's healing process, causing the damaged ligaments in the joint to repair and strengthen themselves slowly. As a result, the joint will stabilize and gradually resolve any pain.

There are several types of prolotherapy, including dextrose therapy, sucrose therapy, platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment, and hyaluronic acid injection treatment. Prolotherapy is especially useful in treating various knee conditions, including but not limited to knee ligament tears, knee osteoarthritis, meniscus tears, Osgood-Schlatter disease, patellar tendonitis, and other knee tendinopathies. Many athletes prefer prolotherapy because moderate exercise is encouraged between treatments.

PRP Treatment

Platelet rich plasma, abbreviated to PRP, is a term used to describe blood with a higher than average concentration of platelets. Platelets are the liquid part of the blood that contain growth factors essential for healing. Thus, it is believed that injecting PRP into injured or non-healing tissue can trigger or expedite recovery.

PRP treatment has become increasingly popular in the field of sports medicine because of its revolutionary nature. The therapy itself uses the patient's blood, so there is no chance of the body rejecting the procedure. It is typically used to help with chronic pain and dysfunction related to tendon conditions or injuries. These are generally not related to inflammation but are instead a result of typical wear and tear. Common conditions treated with PRP include but are not limited to jumper's knee, tennis elbow, strains, muscle tears, and soft tissue rupture.

Hyaluronic Acid Injection Treatment

Hyaluronic acid injection treatment, also known as viscosupplementation, is particularly beneficial for patients with knee problems. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance within the body that cushions and lubricates the joints. A hyaluronic acid injection increases the amount of this liquid to lubricate and change the knee joint's abnormal environment temporarily. This decreases knee pain and inflammation while simultaneously improving knee function.

Athletes with osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease) may especially want to consider hyaluronic acid injection treatment, as the condition necessitates a thinning of the body's natural hyaluronic acid supply. While hyaluronic acid injection treatments generally take longer than cortisone injections to bring about effects, their results may last longer.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that focuses on the neuromusculoskeletal system — in other words, the bones, ligaments, muscles, nerves, and tendons. A doctor of chiropractic, also known as a chiropractor, primarily helps patients manage back and neck pain via manual adjustments to maintain proper alignment.

Chiropractors believe that spinal adjustment and joint realignment have the potential to improve the functioning of other systems throughout the body. In this sense, chiropractic is a field focused on the body's ability to heal itself. Consequently, it has been suggested that chiropractors are essential to athletes as "emergency care providers, pre-participation examiners, and as sports injury specialists."

Call Us Today

No matter where you are injured, recovery is possible. We at Spine and Joint Regenerative Medicine can help. Call us today at 423-424-1529 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I stop getting chiropractic adjustments?

Many people mistakenly believe that chiropractic care is a habit-forming treatment. While this is not true, if you stop getting chiropractic adjustments and do not make the necessary lifestyle adjustments, your spine may return to its original state.

What are the side effects of hyaluronic acid injections?

Since hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance, any side effects from the treatment are rare. However, some people may experience some temporary pain and swelling in their treated joint after the injection. Even fewer may experience infection. If you notice any unusual symptoms after your treatment, contact us right away.

How do you perform PRP treatment?

To perform PRP treatment, we take a sample of your blood and place it into a special centrifuge to increase the concentration of platelets. We then combine the platelets with a special substrate to amplify the positive effects. Then, we inject the PRP into the affected area.

Why does prolotherapy induce inflammation?

Inflammation is an integral part of the body's natural healing process. Without it, the injured area cannot get enough growth factors. By inducing inflammation, prolotherapy safely jumpstarts the healing process.

Where do stem cells come from?

Stem cells come from the patient themselves. We typically harvest stem cells from the blood. Adipose stem cells, peripheral blood stem cells, and bone marrow stem cells all belong to a category known as mesenchymal stem cells, or adult stem cells. These stem cells are the most commonly used in treating sports injuries.

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Contact Us

Spine & Joint Regenerative Medicine is located at 6711 Mountain View Road #115 B Ooltewah, TN 37363.

(423) 424-1529